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Anatomy of a Lemon: Seat Belts

자동차에서 흔히 발생하는 지속적인 문제

$5억 이상 회수
We Can Help You Get Justice if you Purchased a Lemon Vehicle in California with a Seat Belts Issue:

lemon vehicle with seat belt issue
Seat Belts: Does not securely lock, does not move, and does not recognize being secured.

Seat belts can fail due to poor design and poor manufacturing. Common seatbelt issues include false latching, inertial unlatching, weakened webbing, and retractor failure, for example. Defective seat belts can cause devastating injuries, as they can fail to work properly in accidents. If you suspect that the seat belts in your car are defective, it is essential that you take your vehicle in for repairs as soon as possible. If there is no solution, stop driving the unsafe vehicle and file a lemon law claim immediately.

수백만 건 복구
fifty years of combined experience

100% 무료 상담
차량 가격의 최대 3배를 돌려받으세요

하위 바닥글 양식
