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Anatomy of a Lemon: Ignition System

자동차에서 흔히 발생하는 지속적인 문제

$5억 이상 회수
We Can Help You Get Justice if you Purchased a Lemon Vehicle in California with a Ignition System Issue:

lemon vehicle with ignition system issue
Ignition System: Car not starting, jump start needed, and dead battery.

Many people mistakenly believe that a dead battery that needs a jump start often (or a car that simply does not start) is a sign of a bad battery that needs to be replaced. Sure, a battery can stop holding a charge and stop working as it should but if replacing the battery does not resolve the issue, then it is important to look further. Besides the car not starting because of a dead battery, other warning signs of a defective ignition system include a vehicle that continues to stall, dashboard lights that flash, and a key that will not turn, for example. A new car should never have these issues.

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fifty years of combined experience

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