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Anatomy of a Lemon: Audio System

자동차에서 흔히 발생하는 지속적인 문제

$5억 이상 회수
We Can Help You Get Justice if you Purchased a Lemon Vehicle in California with an Audio System Issue:

lemon vehicle with audio system issue
Audio System: Sound problems.

Although many might argue that issues with a vehicle’s audio system is not enough for it to be a lemon, the truth is that it is enough. When you purchase or lease a new vehicle, you expect every single part of the vehicle to work. In some cases, issues with the audio system can actually be related to electrical or wiring defects.

수백만 건 복구
fifty years of combined experience

100% 무료 상담
차량 가격의 최대 3배를 돌려받으세요

하위 바닥글 양식
