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Anatomy of a Lemon: Automatic Emergency Braking System

자동차에서 흔히 발생하는 지속적인 문제

$5억 이상 회수
We Can Help You Get Justice if you Purchased a Lemon Vehicle in California with an Automatic Emergency Braking System Issue:

lemon vehicle with emergency-braking-system issue
Automatic Emergency Braking System: Faulty radar, faulty sensors, sudden braking for no obstacles.

The automatic emergency braking system is a relatively new safety feature. In some vehicles, it comes standard, while it is available as an upgrade feature in other vehicles. Considering that it is a safety feature, it is essential that the system works effectively 100% of the time. A defective automatic emergency braking system can result in the automatic braking in engaging when there is no obstacle, causing sudden stops. In addition, it can fail to engage when there is an obstacle, causing collisions. There are multiple vehicle models that are known to have defective automatic emergency braking systems. Unfortunately, manufacturers have not done enough to address this issue, leaving drivers at risk of serious injury.

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