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Anatomy of a Lemon: Door Locks

자동차에서 흔히 발생하는 지속적인 문제

$5억 이상 회수
We Can Help You Get Justice if you Purchased a Lemon Vehicle in California with a Door Lock System Issue:

lemon vehicle with door locks system issue
Door Locks: Does not lock or unlock, does not stay locked, and doors do not open.

Problems with door locks are a sign of a faulty actuator. Bad actuators can fail, resulting in the driver-side door lock failing (more often than the other door locks). If this occurs, the actuator can be defective. If none of the locks work, then the fuse box may be defective. In some cases, the issue is caused by a blown fuse. In general, blown central locking fuses, broken door lock solenoids, and damaged electrical wires can all potentially cause door locks to not work properly.

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